National award winner Priyamani is moving towards commercial films and glamour roles. She is presently busy with the Telugu film Dhrona, starring alongside Nitin. There is a strong buzz in the industry that Priyamani will go bold in this film and don a bikini, considered a taboo in the Tamil industry until Nayanthara featured in it for Billa. Priyamani has another important and prestigious project in her kitty - Ravan. The lady is expected to join the Ravan team in January 2009.
Speaking of Ravan,
Prithviraj, who plays an important role in the film, is now busy working out for a six-pack abs. Prithvi's portion will also be shot from January onwards. Currently, the Ravan team is busy shooting the Hindi version in Kerala. Technorati Tags:
Hot, Pictures, Sexy, Actress, Kollywood,
Nayanthara, Gossips
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